My work bestie, Geryl, decided she wanted to make a gift with vintage belts that were very special to her. So we headed out on our lunch hour. The Peddler's Mall turned up this cute footstool for $12. We took the top off by removing 4 screws.
We used some Formby's Tung Oil to clean the wood up. The grain is so pretty.
We think it might be cherry!
Then we laid the belts out and braided them to get some idea of how it was going to look. Readjusted a few times and then flipped the whole thing over and started attaching the four corner belts to the footstool.
We used drywall screws and neoprene washers. We attached the end belt on all four corners then flipped and adjusted the belts again.
We decided to screw down the long side first. We screwed the middle belt on both sides. Screwing in one side first and then pulling as hard as we could and screwing the other side in. We measured out all the rest of the belts to make sure they were equidistant apart, and then screwed one side then the other until we were done. Then we flipped and adjusted again.
We kept flipping and adjusting because of a few nostalgic belts that needed to show in the final product. Tugging and moving a little this way or that.
One more flip! We screwed every belt on one side in and then pulled the belts tight and screwed each one in on the other side. This is a job for two people!
Then we cut off the extra on each belt and flipped it over.
Time for the finished product!
This piece was created as a memory piece in honor of the life of Jim Dailey as a gift for his wife.